pre-Fosdem’17 MySQL Day

Oracle’s  MySQL Community Team is organizing a pre-Fosdem MySQL Day on Friday 3rd February 2017.

The event is free (like in beer) for all participants but as seating is limited, registration is required.

Come to meet MySQL engineers and listen to them talking about new MySQL 8.0’s features. Some of Percona’s experienced staff will also deliver some talks on troubleshooting, architecture, …

And finally, will also share their user experience with the audience.

What else to start the Fosdem Week-end in the best way ?

Agenda and registration can be found on lefred’s blog !

FOSDEM’17 MySQL & Friends Devroom, the schedule

This year, the MySQL & Friends Devroom will be held on Saturday 4th February 2017.

After having received a lot of submission (the highest amount ever!), with MySQL Community Team, we decided to organize and extra MySQL day that will take place at ICAB Incubator, 4 Rue des Pères Blancs in Brussels (same location as the MySQL Community Dinner). More to come on this day in a future blog post.

So back to the MySQL & Friends Devroom, the Committee high rated the following talks:

Event Speakers Start End


MySQL & Friends Devroom
Frédéric Descamps 10:00 10:30
Optimizing MySQL without SQL or touching my.cnf Maxim Bublis 10:30 10:50
Applying profilers to MySQL
From PMP to perf, and why performance_schema is not a replacement in all cases
Valerii Kravchuk 11:00 11:20
Instrumenting plugins for Performance Schema markleith 11:30 11:50
sysbench 1.0: teaching an old dog new tricks Alexey Kopytov 12:05 12:25
Introducing gh-ost: GitHub’s triggerless, painless schema migrations for MySQL Shlomi Noach 12:35 12:55
Autopsy of an automation disaster Jean-François Gagné 13:05 13:25
Honeypot your database
And easy method to detect if you’ve been hacked
Georgi Kodinov (Joro) 13:35 13:55
The Proxy Wars – MySQL Router, ProxySQL, MariaDB MaxScale Colin Charles 14:05 14:25
Painless MySQL HA, Scalability and Flexibility with Ansible, MHA and ProxySQL Miklos Mukka Szel 14:35 14:55
Inexpensive Datamasking for MySQL with ProxySQL
data anonymization for developers
Frédéric Descamps, René Cannaò 15:05 15:25
Speeding Up Analytical Queries in MariaDB
CTE’s and Window Functions Highlight
Vicențiu Ciorbaru 15:35 15:55
Data Analytics with MySQL, Apache Spark and Apache Drill Alexander Rubin 16:05 16:25
Group Replication: A Journey to the Group Communication Core Alfranio 16:35 16:55
Fine tuning Group Replication for performance Vitor Oliveira 17:05 17:25
Mix ‘n’ Match Async and Group Replication for Advanced Replication Setups Pedro Gomes 17:35 17:55
MyRocks: the RocksDB storage engine for MySQL Mark Callaghan 18:05 18:25
MyRocks in production at Facebook Yoshinori Matsunobu 18:30 18:50


Update: After each talk, you have 5 mins for questions and we have a 5 mins buffer to swap speaker and video recording.