FOSDEM’19 MySQL, MariaDB & Friends DEVROOM Call for Papers is now open !

Good news ! The MySQL, MariaDB & Friends Devroom has been accepted for FOSDEM’19 ‘s edition as announced earlier!

This event is a real success story for the MySQL ecosystem; the content, the speakers and the attendees are growing every year.

The first big change for this 2019 edition is that the MariaDB Foundation (Ian) is joining my efforts to build this Devroom. Don’t forget that FOSDEM takes place in Belgium, and our motto is “l’Union fait la Force” [“Unity is Strength”].

FOSDEM 2019’s edition will take place 2nd & 3rd February in Brussels and our MySQL, MariaDB & Friends devroom will run on Saturday 2nd (may change). FOSDEM & MySQL/MariaDB is a love story started 19 years ago !

The committee selecting the content for our devroom is not yet created and if you want to be part of this experience, just send me an email (candidate at mysqlmariadbandfriends dot eu) before Oct 29th.

If you want to join the Committee you have to align with the following conditions:

  • planning to be present at FOSDEM
  • having a link with MySQL & MariaDB Ecosystem
  • have some time to review and rate talks
  • be an ambassador for the event by promoting it

The Call for Paper is now offcialy open and ends November 15th. You can submit now() your proposal using FOSDEM’s submission tool.

Marketing and Sales speeches are not welcome, focus on the engineering, the operations and of course the developers.

Don’t forget to specify the track (MySQL, MariaDB and Friends devroom) and set the duration to 20 mins (short but intense ;-) )!

Thank you, and see you soon in Brussels !


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